President’s Message

Kathy Porges

Sharon F. Cadoff

Dear Neighbors,

Welcome to Temple Torat Emet, a multi-generational Conservative Synagogue in Boynton Beach, FL, Central Palm Beach County. Our congregants are transplants to the Sunshine State as well as native Floridians. We have a place for everyone and a chance for everyone to participate in our educational programs and governance.

We feel education and camaraderie are the foundation of our community; from our Wiston Family Torah Tot program to our Adult Jewish Learning Collaborative, there is a place for you and your extended family.

Our monthly Special Friday evening services – Shabbat on the Beach or Shabbat with a Twist – offer a chance to welcome our traditional day of rest uniquely.

Please feel free to contact us, at also known as Kathy Porges or Sharon Cadoff for more information on becoming part of our family.

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