Men’s Club

About Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club

To apply to the Men’s Club, please click below
Men’s Club 2024-2025 Membership Application

As a club, we are affiliated with the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), a group of over 250 clubs with over 20,000 members in Conservative/Masorti synagogues around the world, we fulfill the needs of men like you. We come together to get involved in Jewish living and help address family and community concerns, in a spirit of camaraderie and fun.

Together, we sponsor blood drives, visit the sick, tutor children, build sukkot, and engage in serious discussions about being a man in an increasingly egalitarian world. We cultivate volunteers and train leaders, find jobs for those in need, sponsor parent-child activities and athletic events, help families learn to make Shabbat, read Hebrew, commemorate Yom HaShoah, and put on tefillin. We help raise needed funds for our synagogue, our community, and the global Conservative/Masorti Movement.

Ongoing Men’s Club Activities

Men’s Club Board: Meets the first (1st) Thursday of the month (normally)

Men’s Club Special Events:  During the year there are several programs that we run:

Super Bowl Sunday – For the past several years we have participated in the World Wide Wrap – bringing together youth from our religious school, Men’s Club members, and a small congregation in Kenya – via Skype – to wrap tefillin and participate in a morning service. Whether you wrap tefillin daily or need a refresher, join us to join with congregations and men world wide on this day.

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