About Temple Torat Emet

Temple Torat Emet is an Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue, affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, whose mission is to provide all members of the community with the opportunity to participate in prayer, education, and social activities in a warm and friendly environment that promotes the growth and ideals of Conservative Judaism.

Mission-Vision-Values Statement

Temple Torat Emet is a vibrant, intergenerational Kehillah (synagogue community) in the heart of Palm Beach County, Florida, that strives to be an extended family for its members. Our mission is to engage community members of all ages in dynamic Jewish communal life inspired by the ideals of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. We strive to achieve this mission through our shared commitment to the following values and ideals of Conservative Judaism:

  • Creating a culture of warmth where everyone feels welcome and included.
  • Enhancing the sense of feeling closer to G-d and one another through our shared commitment to the lifelong study of Torah and Jewish values and the performance of mitzvot.
  • Worshipping together in services that are participatory, egalitarian, and inspiring.
  • Balancing tradition and modernity within the framework of Jewish law in order to foster a sense of Judaism that is central and relevant to the way members live their lives. Promoting our personal and collective responsibility to Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World).
  • Dedicating ourselves to the support of K’lal Yisrael (the entire Jewish people) and the State of Israel.
  • Strengthening our collective Jewish identity to meet the challenges of our ever-changing environments.
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